Tuesday, April 12, 2011

BEDA Day 12:

So April 2011 will not be the month where I blog everyday. Sunday I was exhausted from my saxophone/clarinet choirs concert and then got wrapped up in watching The American President and more West Wing and before I knew it, I was asleep. Similar story for last night's entry which I'm not even bothering to try to make up.

I'm very mechanically inclined but I'm not real creative. I wish I had the creativity to invent something. My wife is always looking for a million dollar idea. She loves to cite the woman who came up with the jewel decorations for CROCS in her basement with her daughter and ended up selling the business to CROCS for millions. I have a friend who has a provisional patent for a ingenious device to make it easier for beginning brass players to take care of their instruments. I just don't have any ideas...not just good ideas, but no ideas. I usually operate under the idea that everything has been thought of by someone.For example, we didn't have Snuggies, someone thought we needed them and invented them.

Honestly, I think this points to how self-defeatist I can be. Someone else has invented it, or done it therefore what can I really contribute. This could prove problematic as I work on this idea of a Ph.D. and thesis and whatnot.

If I had an idea, and believe me, most of what I've written above is an attempt to delay in hopes and idea would pop in my head, but the one idea I can think of centers on my dream to want to be a baseball pitcher. Practicing pitching was always a pain. It either took two to do it, or I was beating the crap out of my dad's shed doors. I would come up with some kind of ball return so someone could practice pitching using only a few baseballs and not have to run after the baseball after every pitch.


  1. I have no ideas either. At least not the invention making kind of ideas. But I do love my Snuggie.

  2. Ooh, I like the baseball thing. Same thing with tennis serves. You either needed a freaking bucket, or someone to play with.

    And you realize that my 3 ideas are just the non-whacked out ideas? Most of my original list was more like a dream list. Teletransportation, the ability to move furniture around like in SimCity...weird stuff. :)
